Installation Instructions
General Installation and Transport Instructions
Installation, maintenance, cleaning and all other procedures listed in this manual shall only be performed by fully and properly instructed,
qualified and authorized personnel, which means licensed installers, contractors, plumbers, HVAC and solar contractors. The materials
supplied must be used for installation. Before any installation or operation of the Solpal system you have to familiarize yourself with and
then comply with all national, state and local laws and regulations that apply.
Lift the Solpal system only by its frame and NEVER by any of the water connections or bolts. Incorrect lifting can damage the Solpal system.
Always be careful to avoid any physical damage, especially to the solar glass, back wall and pipe connections. The manufacturer is not
liable for structural damage or any other damage caused by improper handling or incorrect installation.
Flat roof installation
Installation shall only be carried out on roof surfaces or substructures with sufficient load bearing capacity. The structural load bearing
capacity of the roof or substructure must be inspected, tested and approved in accordance with local and regional conditions by a struc-
tural engineer before the Solpal system can be installed. During inspection the structural engineer must pay particular attention to the
quality of the substructure for proper anchoring of the retaining screw connections used to secure the installation materials for the Solpal
system. Inspection of the entire installation structure in accordance national and local regulations is particularly necessary in areas with
heavy snowfall that can lead to increased load. When choosing the installation location, make sure that maximum loads are not exceeded
by snowfall or wind forces. There must be at a distance of at least 3 ft to the roof ridging or edge.
Installing a Solpal system means changing the structure of an (existing) roof. Extended and inhabited lofts or inadequate minimum
roof inclinations often require additional measures carried out on-site by a licensed roofing contractor e.g. sarking, to secure against water
penetrating as a result of wind pressure and drifting snow. For larger systems, it is recommended to secure sarking on a separately mount-
ed construction of steel bars. Using concrete ballast blocks and cable bracing as a means of securing system components protects the
roof membrane from being perforated during installation. Rubber mats should be used if necessary to increase the friction between the
roof and concrete ballast blocks and avoid damage to the roof membrane. For additional security against peak wind loads, steel cables of
a suitable thickness (typically 0.2 in) are required.
On roof installation
Installation shall only be carried out on roof surfaces or substructures with sufficient load bearing capacity. The structural load bearing
capacity of the roof or substructure must be tested in terms of local and regional conditions by a structural engineer before installing the
Solpal system. During inspection pay particular attention to the quality of the substructure for retaining screw connections used to secure
the installation materials for the Solpal system. Inspection of the entire installation structure in accordance national and local regulations
is particularly necessary in areas with heavy snowfall that can lead to increased load. When choosing the installation location, make sure
that maximum loads are not exceeded by snowfall or wind forces.
The inspection should also take into account any particularities of the installation location, e.g. air jets, eddies etc. that can lead to in-
creased load. When choosing the installation location, make sure that maximum loads are not exceeded due to snowfall or wind forces.
There must be a distance of at least 3 ft to the roof ridging or edge. Structural members penetrated by solar system components must
meet code. Building materials adjacent to solar components must not be not exposed to elevated temperatures.
Penetration through fire-rated assemblies do not reduce fire resistance below code. Meet applicable codes and national Roofing Contrac-
tors Assoc. practices. Do not impair enclosure function. Do not allow vermin intrusion.
Connections and piping
The Solpal system shall be connected to the connection piping with a ¾" external thread screw, flat-sealing. Before tightening the connec-
tion, check to make sure that seals are positioned properly. Use a torque wrench to tighten the connection and do not exceed a torque
of 30 ft. lbs. It is best to use flexible connection elements to allow for heat expansion and contraction due to fluctuating temperatures.
In the alternative, the use of suitable expansion bends and flexible piping is a way to compensate for the heat expansion and contraction
due to temperature fluctuations. Only use pipes suited for use in sanitary facilities and which can withstand temperatures of at least 212
°F. The Solpal system requires the use of all copper or brass fittings in the collector loop plumbing. Couplings rather than unions should be
used to join the collectors to avoid leaks and fluid loss. Use only lead-free solder. Note: the piping supports must not compress the insula-
tion. If this is not possible, insulate the piping supports as well. To prevent dielectric corrosion, make sure that there is no connection
between stainless or galvanized steel pipes and copper pipes.