Monitor 1940/1942
GB - 3
Introducing your Monitor
Your monitor is full-colour, 13-inch multi-sync monitor for use with
the Commodore PC* and Amiga family of computers. The monitor
provides audio output in stereo for use with computer system with
stereo capabilities (like the Amiga computers). This manual explains
how to connect the monitor to your computer and how to use the
various operating modes and picture controls,
Before you proceed any further, check to make sure you have received
One monitor with captive video cable. The free end of this cable
has 15^pin male connector flanked by screws, which connect to
your computer's video port. For connection to an Amiga's 23-pin
video port, a 23- to 15-pin adapter/buffer should be used, Commo
dore P/N: 390682-01.
TiltfSwivel Base
- For connecting an Amiga's audio capabilities - one cable with
two RCA plugs on each end.
Power cable for connecting the monitor to an AC power source.
Warranty card
• Display size ia laTger than normal VGA 13" monitor;.