Chevrolet Express Van/
GMC Savana 2003-2007
1. Remove (2) 10mm
4. Unsnap and remove
bolts from below
radio and instrument
knee bolster under
cluster panel.
steering column and
Note: it may not
remove panel.
be necessary to
2. Remove (2) 10mm
completely remove
bolts from panel
radio and instrument
below passenger
cluster panel to
dash airbag and
access radio.
remove panel.
5. Remove (3) 9/32"
3. Remove (2) 10mm
bolts to remove radio.
nuts from inside
Continue to tab
center pocket between
power outlets.
Dash Disassembly
Buick Roadmaster
1. Unclip dash panel sides and remove.
2. Unclip panel below steering column and remove.
3. Remove (2) 7mm screws above instrument cluster.
4. Set parking brake, turn key to on position, and
move shifter to the lowest gear. Tilt steering wheel
down then unsnap entire instrument cluster/radio
panel and remove. Return shifter to park.
5. Remove (3) 7mm screws to remove radio.
Continue to tab instructions
Step 3, 4
Step 2
Step 5
Step 1
Chevrolet Impala
1. Unclip each side of
4. Remove (2)
the dash trim bezel
Phillips screws from
(fuse access) and
the knee panel.
remove (1) Phillips
5. Unclip the knee
screw exposed on
panel and remove
each side.
(1) Phillips screw
2. Remove (2) Phillips
exposed on the
screws under the
right side of the
i nstrument cluster.
steering column.
3. Unclip the trim panel
6. Unclip and remove
above the pedals.
the entire dash
It is not necessary to
trim bezel. (Figure A)
remove the panel it
Continue to tab
can be left hanging.
(Figure A)