3.10 Pluggable LCD display - Live data
Remove the rubber seal that protects the plug on the front of the controller
and plug-in the display module. The display is hot-swappable; this means
that the charger may be operational while the display is plugged in.
The following information will be displayed if the "-" button is pressed (in
order of appearance):
Displayed info
Battery voltage and charge current
Battery charge current
Battery voltage
Battery charge power
Battery temperature
Charger temperature
Panel current
Panel voltage
Panel power
Warning message
Error message
ESS operation
BMS operation
1) A valid temperature is shown, --- = no sensor information or Err = invalid sensor data.
2) These items are only visible when relevant.
Pressing the "-" button or the "+"button for 4 seconds activates the auto-
scroll-mode. Now all LCD-screens will pop-up one by one with short
intervals. The auto-scroll-mode can be stopped by pressing the "-" or the
"+" button shortly.
3.11 Pluggable LCD display - History data
The charge controller tracks several parameters regarding the energy
harvest. Enter history data by pressing the SELECT button when in
monitor mode, a scrolling text will be visible. Press + or – to browse the
various parameters as shown in the table below, press SELECT to stop
scrolling and show the corresponding value. Press + or – to browse the
various values. For the daily items it is possible to scroll back to 30 days
ago (data becomes available over time), a brief popup shows the day
number. Press SELECT to leave the historical menu and go back to the
monitor mode, alternatively press SETUP to return to the scrolling text.
Icons Segments
. A
. V
. W
.,, °C/°F
.,, °C/°F
. A
. V
. W