6. Add user phone number. The system supports up to 2000 users that
are permitted to control the gates by free of charge phone call (drop-call).
In order to add a user phone number, send the following command to the
system's phone number from other administrator's phone number:
ssss N:44170111XXXX1
Value: ssss – 4-digit SMS password.
Example: 2568 N:44170911XXXX8
The phone number must be set up in international format without
using the "plus" character in the front of the phone number.
You can set up a name for the user phone number. In
order to do so, please refer to the following example: 2568
The user name is not mandatory and you may not want to use it
when adding the user, for example: 2568 N:44170911XXXX8
In order to add multiple users simultaneously (up to 9 phone
numbers per single SMS text message), please refer to he
following example: 1111 N:44170911XXXX8:John 44170911XXXX9:
7. Remove user. The removal of the user can be carried out in one of the
following ways:
• By user phone number. Send the following command to the system's
phone number from other administrator's phone number:
ssss D:nnnnnnnnnnnn
Value: ssss – 4-digit SMS password, nnnnnnnnnnnn – user phone
Example: 2568 D:44170911XXXX8
• By user name. Send the following command to the system's phone
number from other administrator's phone number:
ssss D:vvvvvvv