Mode 1: All channels stereo
All input and output channels are independent.
Mode 2: All channels parallel
All outputs are the same with any channel input.
Mode 3: A/B bridged C/D bridged
Mode 4: A/B parallel C/D parallel
Mode 5: A/B stereo C/D bridged
Mode 6: A/B parallel C/D bridged
CH A and CH B are parallel. CHC and CH D are bridged.
Mode 7: A/B stereo C/D SUB
Mode 8: A/B stereo C/D SUB
Mode 9: Amplifier Mute
Amplifier is Mute.
* X-OVER FREQ is available in Mode 7 and Mode 8 only.
Input the signal to channel A, connect the speaker's "+" to the output A+, connect speaker's '-'
to the output B+. Then you get a 300W(8Ω) power. CH C and CH D are the same.
CHA output and CHB output are the same whether input from CH A or CH B. The CH C and
CH D are the same.
CH A's input and outputs are independent from CH B. CH C and CH D are bridged.
CH A and CH B are stereo. CH C and CH D are bridged. SUB output signal is low frequency
from CHC input. X-OVER FREQ is available.
CH A and CH B are stereo. CH C and CH D are bridged and the device filters and amplifies
signal A+B to feed the Subwoofer with the low frequencies only. X-OVER FREQ is available.
User Manual /Manual de Uso
PA 1254