Document browser
The i-Reader 2 has the capability to capture documents and store them on the internal
memory. It is possible to store up to 999 or 1Gb of documents. Each document gets a
unique name with number assigned when they are saved to the internal storage.
The document browser allows you to open, delete, backup and restore documents. The
system voice will read aloud the document name, the number of pages and which page is
selected in case you open it to read aloud. The device remembers the last page read for
previously opened documents so you can continue where you left off last time.
Navigating between documents
The navigation keys allow you to navigate through the documents in the following ways:
Press the UP or DOWN button to select the previous or next document.
Press the LEFT or RIGHT button to select the previous or next page in a document.
Open document
Press the PLAY button to open the currently selected in Read aloud mode.
Deleting a document
Press the STOP and LEFT button simultaneously to delete the currently selected
document. Follow the device instructions to confirm or cancel.
Deleting a document is a permanent action and can not be undone.
Close the Document browser
Press the STOP button to close the Document browser and return to Start mode.
Backup all documents
Insert a USB device in the front right USB port. A 4-tone sound should be audible. Press
the UP and RIGHT button simultaneously to backup all documents to the USB device.
Press the PLAY or STOP button to start or cancel backing up all documents.
The i-Reader 2 will mention it if there is no USB device detected or the inserted USB
device is not readable.
Restoring backup
Press the DOWN and LEFT button to start the restoring of backups from the inserted
USB device. Follow the device instructions to select a backup and to confirm or cancel
restoring from that backup.
i-Reader 2