That no losses exist neither in the system or the tires.
That pressure equilibrium among the VIGIA system and the tires
exist (that is to say that the control panels indicate, for example;
8 kg. and the tires actually have 8 kg.).
That the VIGIA inflation valves are in perfect condition and are
operating properly.
When there is a balanced pressure between the Vigia equipment
and the tires, the inflation valve becomes neutral. Tires increase their
temperature when rolling, so their internal pressure increases and it
goes out through the VIGIA valve because of the vibrations produced
by the imperfections of the road. That overpressure goes into the
VIGIA connection network and therefore the board will indicate the
Nota: It is possible that the increased pressure not be equal in
all of the vehicles tires. In this case the system will indicate the
minimum pressure.
If in operation, VIGIA detects a considerable increase in pressure
(more than 18 %) the cause should be inspected. In this case VIGIA
will be indicating the following:
A- Initial pressure of flat tire.
B- Bad load distribution.