• The present Commercial Guarantee
does not affect the rights the user has
regarding the regulations contained in
the Law 23/2003 of July 10, of Consum-
er Goods Guarantee (BOE, July 11, 2013)
• During the time the repair lasts no dam-
ages or liabilities will be paid for the time
the device is out of service.
• PowerSpot S.L. is not responsible for
the damage that the device could cause
in external elements.
• The mere inspection of the state of the
device could entail the destruction of the
essential elements for its use. If during
the inspection the technician detects the
damage has been caused by any of the
points expressed in the previous section
of "exclusions of the guarantee", the ex-
penses to return the device to an opera-
tive state will be payable by the client, or
the client will assume the devolution of
the device in a non functional state.
• The PowerSpot products have not
been designed for any "critical use".
Critical use meaning life support sys-
tems, medical uses, connections to im-
plemented devices, commercial trans-
port, nuclear installations or systems or
any other use where the product failure
could lead to damage or the loss of a life
or property damage.