cloudAshur Registration
Please download the Windows or macOS cloudAshur client
Apps from the following link:
Important! Please Read:
hardware security module please choose one of the following
registration methods that apply to you:
Personal - cloudAshur NOT to be used with Remote
Management (central management software).
Enterprise - cloudAshur used in conjunction with
Remote Management (central management software).
Personal Registration
As your cloudAshur hardware security module will not be used
in conjunction with the 'Remote Management' , you will NOT
require a 'PIN Number' or 'License Key' during the registration
process. Simply complete (step 3 - page 6) field numbers
1-6, leave the checkbox in field number 7 unchecked, skip field
numbers 8 and 9 and then click 'Register' and start using your
Enterprise Registration
The cloudAshur hardware security module is to be used
by organisations that will centrally manage and monitor all
employees who use the cloudAshur modules issued by the
organisation through the use of the cloudAshur Remote
Management Console (central management software).
If you are an employee and have been issued with a cloudAshur
module by your organisation's Administrator, a 'You Have
Been Invited' email will be sent to you by your Administrator
containing the following important registration information:
1. A link to download the Windows or macOS cloudAshur
client Apps.
2. A PIN Number - this will be required to be entered in
field No. 8 during the registration process (step 3).
3. A License Key - this will also be required to be entered in
field No. 9 during the registration process (step 3).
To register your cloudAshur