3.6.5 «OFA Time» Menu
The appliance is fi tt ed with a safety mechanism to avoid all risks of correcti on product overdoses if a problem occurs with
the sensor for example. This safety mechanism, which is called «OFA» (=Over Feed Alarm), pauses the appliance if it has
not reached the set point within a given ti me limit. A high value is strongly recommended to avoid any unplanned and/or
unjusti fi ed triggering (a setti ng in excess of 4 hours is suitable for large pools and/or highly used pools).
The over feed safety operates in two main steps:
If fi ltering stops and restarts (=daily cycles) while the appliance is in «Stop OFA» status, the appliance will acti vate an «OFA
Test» mode for 1 hour to make sure the measurement from the sensor is correct.
On completi on of this «OFA Test» mode:
- if the set point has been reached = the appliance remains in normal mode
- if the set point has not been reached: the appliance switches to «OFA Alarm» mode with an injecti on of corrector
- if the set point has sti ll not been reached aft er the «OFA Alarm» mode is complete (=25% of total OFA set ti me), the
appliance switches to «OFA Stop» safety mode and will remain in this state unti l a human interventi on.
To acquit this safety measure and restart the appliance, press the
and calibrated.
Special over feed safety functi on:
In order to prevent false alarms just aft er the appliance is installed, the over feed safety can be deacti vated for 24 or 48
• Press
• Press
3.6.6 «Calibrati on» Menu
This functi on can be removed (we advise strongly against this, except in the case of pools with a maintenance contract).
3.6.7 «Filtering» Menu
This appliance is fi tt ed with a double electric power supply making it possible to keep the appliance switched on to carry
out Redox sensor calibrati on when fi ltering is not operati onal. This functi on can however, be deacti vated in the case of a
diff erent electrical connecti on (only carried out by a professional).
The appliance will no longer take fi ltering status into considerati on and may inject corrector product when
there is no fl ow in the piping. This deacti vati on is only valid if the mains power cable is coupled to the fi ltering.
3.6.8 Resetti ng the appliance
All the factory setti ngs can be restored.
Turn off the appliance
Turn the appliance back on while pressing
• Select «Yes» or «No» using the
4. Maintenance
4.1 Changing the peristalti c tube
• Remove the peristalti c pump cover,
• Place the roller holder at «10:20» by turning it clockwise,
• Completely free the left fi tti ng by keeping it stretched
towards the outside,
• Then turn the roller holder clockwise to free the tube up
to the right fi tti ng.
• Make sure the roller holder is in the 10:20 positi on.
• Insert the left fi tti ng of the new peristalti c tube in its housing.
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fl ashes aft er 70% of the programmed ti me without having reached the set point
displays when the ti me is up. The appliance then switches to safety mode.
at the same ti me to deacti vate the safety system for 24 hours
at the same ti me to deacti vate the safety system for 48 hours
at the same ti me:
keys, then validate by pressing
. key. First make sure the sensor is in good conditi on