Press the capacity indicator but
ton [1-1] until the Bluetooth indi
cator [1-3] flashes blue.
The battery pack is ready for con
nection for 60 seconds.
Follow the instructions provided
in the Festool app.
Service and maintenance
Keep the connecting contacts on
the battery pack clean.
Do not cover the vents [1-4] on
the battery pack as this could im
pair its function.
If the battery pack stops working,
consult an authorised Festool
customer service agent.
The Li-ion battery packs included are
subject to the requirements of the leg
islation on the transport of hazardous
goods. The Festool Li-ion battery packs
satisfy the requirements specified in the
UN manual ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5 Part
III, sub-section 38.3. The user can
transport Festool battery packs by road
to the equipment operating site without
any additional requirements, provided
they are protected against short-cir
cuiting and slipping. For shipping by
third parties (e.g. air transport or