Installation site
The extinguishing water extraction point must be outside the debris zone of buildings. Access for the fire
brigade should be provided to the extraction point from the public road. The access route must meet the
requirements of DIN 12090 provided these don't contradict local requirements. Exceptions require the
agreement of the body responsible for fire protection.
Covering heights
Please note that the telescopic lorry dome shaft contained in the standardised scope of supply (cover in
accordance with DIN 3223 - to be provided by the customer) refers to a general coverage height of
750-1050 mm. If a different level of soil cover is needed, corresponding extension sleeve pieces must be
ordered to extend it (note: max. soil cover 1500 mm).
Depending on installation and/or final finished height of the extinguishing water suction connection, the
intake pipe extension sleeve supplied has to be adapted individually and/or ordered separately in the
desired special length. When positioning, please note DIN 14244.
The following criteria must be verified prior to installation:
The structural suitability of the soil in accordance with DIN 18196
Maximum groundwater levels/ drainage of the subsoil
Types of loading present, e. g. traffic load
A soil survey should be requested from the local building authority to determine the physical properties of
the soil.
To ensure that sufficient working space is available, the base area of the trench must exceed the tank
dimensions by 500 mm on all sides. The distance from fixed structures must be at least 1000 mm.
The embankment should be built in accordance with DIN 4124. The foundation must be horizontal and
even and must offer sufficient load-bearing capacity.
The trench must be deep enough that the maximum earth cover above the tank (see 2 - Installation con-
ditions) is not exceeded. For the system to be usable all year round, the tank and water-carrying parts
must be installed in a frost-free zone. The frost-free depth is usually around 600-800 mm; for accurate
information, please contact the responsible authority.
The substructure is made from a layer of compacted round gravel (grain 8/ 16, approx. 150-200 mm