Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use my headset on a plane?
No. At this time, the FAA prohibits the use of wireless/RF devices on airplanes.
How long should it take to charge my headset?
It should take approximately 4 hours to charge your headset when the battery is
completely discharged. The charger LED light will turn green when charged.
What happens if the signal from the headset to the phone is lost?
A lost signal between the headset and phone could be caused either by a low battery or if
the phone is out of the headset's range. If this occurs, return the phone to within 30 feet
of the headset. If the battery is low, re-charge the headset.
Should the headset be stored in the charger and charging while not in use?
It can be. No damage will occur by storing the unit in the case. The charge will stop when
the headset is fully charged.
When wearing the headset, where should I position the mini-boom?
For best results, place the end of the mini-boom as close to your mouth as possible.
Is there a car adapter available?
Yes. You can find it at
Is there a power saving mode for my headset?
Yes. Whenever a call is not active, the headset is in power-conserving standby mode.