In your Hr6 humidifier, the deposit and the nebulizer are constantly subjected to the moisture
and dirt particles of the environment and this is why you should clean it. Although the use of
distilled water helps to prevent damage caused by lime and others agents. You must clean it
regularly for a proper maintenance of the humidifier.
The motor grid must be cleaned to avoid obstruction.
Be advised that this cleaning procedure should be performed approximately every two
For the cleaning, the equipment should be disconnected from the main power supply.
Remove the humidifier of the cabinet, and empty the water from the tank, taking care to
avoid wetting the electronic parts of the humidifier.
Clean the tank and ceramics of the nebulizer using a soft cloth and clean water, bleach or
other chemicals must not be used as these could damage the equipment and product.
If you notice that after several cleaning procedure the ceramic installed in the nebulizer does
not retain its initial characteristics, you must proceed to its replacement.
When you have finished cleaning the humidifier, please put it in operation as shown in the
starting up paragraph.
Hr6 Humidifier with the distilled water deposit
Weight: 3 kg.
Sizes: 19 x 43 x 23,5 cm.