7668 N°401 SANI ALARME US.qxd
SANIALARM is a separate device
that can be fitted on most SFA saniflo
units. The installation and maintenance
instructions given in this manual
should be complied with.
In particular the indications marked with :
" failure to observe a
indication could affect safety
" indication showing that there
is an electrical hazard,
" instructions for qualified
professionals only,
"Caution": failure to observe it
could affect the operation of the
Operating principle
SANIALARM consists of a buzzer, a
pressure controller, 2 batteries 1,5 V
(not supplied), an ON-OFF switch, a
plunger tube and facility for external
alarm connection. As soon as an
abnormal water level is reached in the
unit, the buzzer sounds an alarm.
Technical data
Power supply:
2 batteries 1,5V AAA
Mounting hole:
Alarm connection:
Installation possible on most Saniflo
units except Sanicompact and
A/ Sanialarm
1 - Loosen the screw under the box.
Remove cover. Insert two batteries
1,5V. Check SANIALARM operation by
blowing some air into the end of the
pressure controller and by operating the
ON-OFF switch. Put the cover back into
position and tighten the screw.
2 - Depending on the Saniflo unit,
mark the location where the hole is to
be drilled Ø 3/8" (10 mm) (See
dimensions on diagram 4). Look for
a small indent and word 'ALARM'
embossed onto the lid of the Saniflo
unit. (Not on pre 2007 models).Use a
steel bit, preferably a new one. Drill
slowly and in short bursts (to avoid the
melting of saniflo unit cover). It is
recommended to first drill a guidance
hole with Ø 1/8" (3 mm) or Ø 3/16"
(4 mm)
before using a bit with Ø 3/8"
(10 mm)
Caution: do not use a percussion drill
or an auger bit which would cause
Take the burr off the edges of the hole
obtained. Take the flanged plunger
tube, pinch its wide end between the
fingers to reduce its dimension. Insert
the tube into the installation hole
progressively. Before completing this
mounting operation, spread some
silicone (not supplied) around the tube
and around the hole for optimum
sealing efficiency. Push in the tube
until its flange rests on the lid of
the saniflo unit.
3 - Put the end of pressure controller
on the top of the plunger tube and
push the box until contact with the
cover of the saniflo unit is obtained.
50 dB
3/8" (10 mm)
2 cable terminals
B/ External alarm
The SANIALARM can accommodate
an external alarm on the cable
terminals located inside the box. This
alarm may be a 3V bulb, a more
powerful buzzer or an other very-low
voltage, 3V device.
Make sure the On-OFF switch is on
the ON position.
If the alarm sounds continuously switch
it off and do not use any appliance
connected to the Saniflo unit.
Disconnect the power supply if
Once the cause for alarm operation
has been removed, do not forget to put
the switch back to the ON position.
Caution: the alarm may go off and stop
(high water inflow, temporary clogging).
No action should be taken unless this
occurs several times or becomes
1 – When cleaning, avoid applying a
wet sponge to ventilation holes as this
may cause a short-circuit.
2 – Replace the batteries once a year.
SANIALARM comes with a 2-year
warranty, provided it has been installed
and maintained in wompliance with
this manual.
1 0
a - Partial: set the ON-OFF switch to
OFF and then set it to ON again.
If the batteries are OK, a buzzer
sounds for 3 seconds.
b - Full: After replacing batteries dip the
Sanialarm via the translucent plastic
tube into a container full of water
about 4-1/2" (115 mm) high. When
the tube is about 4 fifths immersed
the alarm should sound. Refit the
Sanialarm to the rubber plunger
tube which should still be in place in
the lid of the Saniflo unit.
SANIALARM es una caja independiente
que puede instalarse en la mayoria de
los trituradores SFA. Respetar todas las
reglas de instalación y mantenimiento
mencionadas en este folleto.
En particular las indicaciones
marcadas :
" indicación que, de no
respetarse, puede provocar
riesgos para la seguridad de
las personas
" indicación que avisa de la
presencia de un riesgo de
origen eléctrico
" instrucciones exclusivamente
reservadas a los profesionales
"Atención" : indicación que, de no
respetarse, puede provocar riegos
para el funcionamiento del
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