ACCESSORIES (optional):
If the burner is installed in places particularly subject to radio disturbance (emission of signals exceeding 10 V/m) owing to the presence of an
INVERTER, or in applications where the length of the thermostat connections exceeds 20 metres, a protection kit is available as an interface
between the control box and the burner.
It may occur that a certain amount of air is contained in the light oil sucked up by the pump. This air may originate from the light oil itself as a
consequence of depressurization or air leaking past imperfect seals.
In double-pipe systems, the air returns to the tank from the return pipe; in single-pipe systems, the air remains in circulation causing pressure var-
iations in the pump and burner malfunctions.
For this reason, we advise installing a degassing unit near the burner in single-pipe installations.
Degassing units are provided in two versions:
CODE 3010054 without filter
CODE 3010055 with filter
Degassing unit characteristics
• Burner delivery
• Light oil pressure
• Ambient temperature
• Light oil temperature
• Attachment connectors
TECNO 28-L / 38-L / 50-L
: 80 kg/h max
: 0,7 bar max
: 40 °C max
: 40 °C max
: 1/4 inch