Operational settings can be changed via the push-button sequence outlined below and right. Addtional settings can also be configured via SensorView software.
Please read all 3 steps before programming
1. Enter a specific programming function by pressing button the number
of times as the desired function number from the A-Level Detailed
Function Tables (e.g., press 23 times for function 23, Occupied Bright
2. LED will flash back the selected function's current setting (e.g.,
11 times for 100%). To change setting, proceed to step 3 before flash
back sequence repeats 3 times. To exit the current function or to
change to a different function, wait for sequence to repeat 3 times
then return to step 1.
3. Press button the number of times indicated in the particular function's
detailed table for the NEW desired setting. As confirmation of setting
change, LED flashes back the NEW setting 3 times before exiting.
17 = Secondary Zone Dimming Offset
Percentage voltage difference of unit's dimming output from primary
dimming output (Function 26, Follow Photocell Mode, must be
1 - 100%
8 -30%
15 40%
2 - 90%
9 -20%
16 50%
3 - 80%
10 -10%
17 60%
4 - 70%
18 70%
5 -60%
12 10%
6 -50%
13 20%
7 -40%
14 30%
21 100%
23 = Occupied Bright Level
The percentage of the controllable dimming range that the dimming
output rises to when occupancy is detected. Setting is not applicable
if Follow Photocell Mode is enabled. Note: Adjusting the dim level
using a WallPod changes this setting when Follow Photocell Mode
is disabled.
1 1%
5 40%
2 10%
6 50%
10 90%
3 20%
7 60%
11 100%*
4 30%
8 70%
24 = Unoccupied Dim Level
The percentage of the controllable dimming range that a dimming
output drops the lights to after the Idle Time Until Dim timer expires
1 1%*
5 40%
2 10%
6 50%
10 90%
3 20%
7 60%
11 100%
4 30%
8 70%
26 = Follow Photocell Mode
Directs how a device's dimming output reacts relative to a photocell
1 Disable*
2 Enabled (- only)
3 Enabled +/-
* indicates default setting for base nPP16 (D)
EFP models.
For further troubleshooting guidance, please contact the Controls Technical Support Team
Acuity Brands | One Lithonia Way Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: 800.535.2465 www.acuitycontrols.com © 2018 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev.
10/30/2018 IS-NPP16-EFP-004
Please read all 4 steps before programming
1. Enter B-Level programming mode by holding down button until LED
flashes rapidly, release, hold down until rapid flash again, release, then
immediately enter programming function as described in step 2.
2. Enter a programming function by pressing button the number of
times as the desired function number from the table labeled B-Level
Functions (e.g., 12 times for function 12, Occupancy Tracking Channel).
3. LED will flash back the selected function's current setting (e.g., 1 flash
for channel 1). To change setting, proceed to step 4 before flash
back sequence repeats 3 times. To exit the current function or to
change to a different function, wait for sequence to repeat 3 times
then return to step 1.
4. Press button the number of times indicated in the particular function's
detailed table for the NEW desired setting (e.g., press 2 times for channel
2). As confirmation of setting change, LED flashes back the NEW setting 3
times before exiting.
12 = Occupancy Tracking Channel
The local channel on which a device's relay and/or dimming output
receives occupancy information
1 - 16 (e.g., 1 = Channel 1*, 2 = Channel 2; etc.)
14 = Photocell Tracking Channel
The local channel on which a device's relay and/or dimming output
receives photocell information
1 - 16 (e.g., 1 = Channel 1*, 2 = Channel 2; etc.)
16 = Switch Tracking Channel
The local channel on which a device's relay and/or dimming output
receives switch information.
1 - 16 (e.g., 1 = Channel 1*, 2 = Channel 2; etc.)
Note: Normal default is channel 1, units with SW2 and SA2 options are
defaulted to channel 2
17 = Override (Relay / Dimming)
Indicates whether a device's relay is forced on/off and/or dimming
output is forced to max/min
1 Not forced*
18 = Special Operating Mode
Unique defined behaviors of relays and/or dimming outputs, see right
for function definitions
1 Normal*
2 Manual On
3 Auto to Override On
4 Manual to Full Auto On
19 = Invert Relay Logic
Reverses functionality of relays
1 Normal Logic*
21 = WallPod Dimming Adjustments
Defines whether user dimming adjustments are maintained after
lights are cycled, whether they revert to default levels, or whether they
temporarily disable a connected dimming photocell (until lights cycle)
1 Permanent*
2 Temporary
22 = Maintain Dim Level when Vacant
Prevents lights from turning fully off once in unoccupied state
1 No*
23 = Special Switch Tracking Mode
Defines unique behavior related to how relays respond to particular
switch information
1 Disable*
2 Ignore Offs
Forces relay to stay closed even in off state
28 = Dimming Always On
Maintains unoccupied dim level when in off state. Does not affect relay.
29 = Occupancy Expiration of Manual Off
When enabled, operation of device will revert from a push-button
triggered override off state to Normal mode once the Occupancy Time Delay
(adjustable via SensorView or push-button) expires. Not used with Manual
On operating modes.
31 = High End Trim**
Maximum voltage level of the device's dimming output. Commonly used for
task tuning where absolute light level is not to be increased via a Wallpod
or scene. When output is at high end trim, the reported control percentage
will be 100%. Corresponding lumen output % is dependent on ballast/
driver capabilities.
32 = Low End Trim**
Minimum voltage level of the device's active dimming range. Level can not
be reduced via a WallPod or scene. When output is at low end trim, the
reported control percentage will be 1%. Corresponding lumen output % is
dependent on ballast/driver capabilities.
** Setting precision of 0.1V is available via SensorView. Device status LED
blinks out current value rounded to nearest selection above.
Operating Mode where occupancy sensors are capable of turning lights
2 Override On
3 Override Off
both on/off
Special Mode where lights are turned on initially by occupant detection but
then left in the Override On state
5 Predictive Off
6 Manual to Override On
Special Mode that initially requires the occupant to manually turn on the
7 Manual to Normal
lights, after which the sensor assumes full on/off control
Special Mode that always requires the occupant to manually turn the
lights on, while having them turn off automatically by a sensor (default on
2 Inverse Logic
models with SA and SA2 options)
When lights are switched off, this Special Mode determines whether
occupants remained or left the room, so as to leave the lights in either the
Override Off or Auto On state
3 Photocell Temp
Special Mode where lights are initially turned on manually but remain in
the Override On state for a pre-determined period (Timed Override Delay)
2 Yes
Special Mode where lights are initially turned on manually but remain in
the Normal State (enabling auto-dimming) for a pre-determined period
(Timed Override Delay)
3 Ignore Ons
4 Ignore Ons & Offs
27 = Relay Always On
1 No*
2 Yes
1 No*
2 Yes
1 Disable*
2 Enable
1 0.7 V
4 3V
7 6V
2 1V
5 4V
8 7V
3 2V
6 5V
9 8V
1 0.7 V
4 3V
7 6V
2 1V
5 4V
8 7V
3 2V
6 5V
9 8V
10 9V
11 10V
10 9V
11 10V
3 of 3