Windows will automatically install the appropriate Wireless USB Host Adapter drivers and you will get a
Successful Install message pop-up such as the following or one similar depending on your operating
system to let you know it was successful.
Figure: Successful Install Message
In order to use Certified Wireless USB Devices with your Wireless USB Host Adapter, you need to
associate them with your Wireless USB Host Adapter. Two methods can be used: PIN Association and
Cable Association.
PIN Association
If your Wireless USB device supports PIN association
(please refer to your Certified Wireless USB Device
manufacturer's user guide), click the Discovery Mode
button and the Wireless Host Adapter will begin the
discovery it. The discovery can take up to 30 seconds.
After your Certified Wireless USB Device is found you
will be asked to enter its PIN number. Enter the PIN and
then press OK. Your Certified Wireless USB Device is
now associated and ready to be used with your Wireless
USB Host Adapter.
Figure: Discovery Mode Screen