Installing the based bracket to the wall
Determine the location where the based bracket will be installed.
Take the coin with the string and align it perpendicular to the based bracket.
Use the V-shaped notches of the bracket in the vertical position to check the horizontal
offset of the based bracket.
Use a pencil, etc., to mark the two screw hole locations.
Cellophane tape, etc.
shaped screw
Use a pencil, etc., to
mark the screw hole
position on the wall
behind the bracket.
Layout line
Align this with the center
of the television screen.
V-shaped notch
Included part: Based braclet
Loosely screw in the screws.
Temporarily remove the based bracket from the wall and loosely screw in 2 off-the-shelf
screws in the screw hole positions marked on the wall. At this time, the screw heads should
extend several mm above the wall so that the based bracket can be hung on the screw
heads. Hang the based bracket on the installed screws, check to make sure the bracket is
not sagging to the left or right, and then firmly tighten the screws. Use off-the-shelf screws
to secure the remaining screw holes (14 to 18 screws).
Min. 4mm
Max. 8.5mm
Included part: Based braclet
*Use a screw with a screw head height of 8.5 mm or less.
V-shaped notch
Align horizontally and vertically until
the string lies on top of the vertical
reference line (V-shaped notch).
Use the weight with
the string used in
Step 1 to make sure
the bracket is