Installation on powerboats:
First Stringer
Installation of the echo sounder: internal installation
An internal installation of the echo sounder is only possible on ships with
a fiberglass reinforced hull. This does not apply to fiberglass sandwich
Due to signal damping the internal installation may cause power losses,
and is prone to more disturbances. Check that the location of the instal-
lation has no air inclusions in the laminate, and that the hull material
thickness does not exceed 12 mm.
The ship must be in the water during the search for the
optimum echo sounder location.
Proceed as follows in your search:
Supply the indicating instrument with power per wiring diagram (see
page 44) and connect it to the echo sounder.
Put the sender in a plastic bag filled with water and move it over the hull
until you obtain a stable depth reading.
Find the installation location:
Depth sending unit