User's Manual
KEy coMbinationS
If you press these keys whilst the your iPad® is starting up, the device search
function will open.
When you are reproducing music on your iPad®, this combination will allow
you to go back to the previous multimedia archive.
If you press these keys, the music player will pass alternately between pause
and play.
When this is reproducing music on your iPad®, this combination will allow you
to go forward to the next multimedia archive.
This combination stops the sounds of your music player (mute).
Press this combination of keys to reduce the volume. Keep the FN key pressed
down and press F10 to lower the volume.
Press this combination of keys to increase the volume. Keep the FN key pressed
down and press F11 to increase the volume.
When you press this combination, your iPad® will remain locked until you
press it again.