The bike delivers less pedaling assistance. When the temperature is low ( < 10°C ), the battery dies quickly
and requires longer time to fully charge it. Furthermore, the SoC (state of charge) decreases as the
temperature drops, then the indicators change as well.
5. Installing and uninstalling the battery pack
6. Dashboard functionst
Up button
Down button
Power button
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1. Install the battery pack
A. Loosen the upper and lower seat post clamps, and
B. Insert the battery pack into the frame tube of the
2. Remove the battery pack
A. Loosen the upper and lower seat post clamps, and
B. Press the battery pack clip and remove the battery
Power on/off
Press and hold the power button for 2 seconds. If
the battery is dormant due to low battery, charge the
battery pack for a while before powering on the bike.
Press and hold the up button to simultaneously turn on
or off the front light and rear light.
Press and hold the down button to simultaneously turn
on or off the front light and rear light.
Assist mode
Press the power button to enable the assist mode. Press
the up/down button on the left side of the dashboard
to switch between the four modes, which are no-assist,
level 1 (low-level assist), level 2 (medium-level assist),
and level 3 (high-level assist).
The mode currently used is displayed in orange.
When the battery level is less than 5%, the assist will
automatically stop.
then pull out the seat post.
frame until the battery pack is securely fastened.
then pull out the seat post.