3. Way scrolling
The innovative till wheel design, scroll up and down-and side to side, can make you
more smoothly, efficiently,and easily navigate documents, spreadsheets, and web pages.
The entire scroll wheel tilts from side to side, acts as a button, and reacts to how quickly
you roll the wheel to enable smooth, accurate maneuverability. For example, if you're
working with a super-wide worksheet, you can tilt the wheel from side to side to scroll
right and left, without click tiny scroll arrows.
4. Program Button
User's Manual
4 way scrolling
There are 2 function keys for "page up "&
"page down" after you connect your mouse to
your computer.
You can define the two program keys according
to your demands after installing the driver,
such as: open the start menu, open the explore,
operate, close, open my computer, start help
Try one or more of the following:
• Make sure you have installed the mouse correctly.
• Make sure the cable is plugged into the right mouse or
USB port.
• Unplug the mouse and then plug in the mouse again.
Make sure that the mouse has been detected by the
operating systems properly.
• Make sure your mouse port has the proper
configuration. Refer to your computer documentation for
the correct port configuration.