Installation Guide for the
Controller Module with
Built-in Thermostat and
The Controller Module consists of:
• Attic-mounted Controller Module with
built-in Humidistat and Thermostat
• AC Adapter (required for electric
backup, if desired)
• 8-foot cable
• Remote Access Monitoring Device and
Holster (optional)
Pre-Install Check
Please read the instructions before
proceeding with installation. If your Solar
Attic Fan has already been installed, make
sure the Solar Fan is working properly
before installing the Controller Module
Note: The Controller Module can be
installed with or without house electricity.
Standard Installation—Functionality
When performing the standard installation
(without hooking up to house electricity),
the Controller Module will operate only
on power generated by the solar panel
and will provide these functions:
1. Read attic temperature and relative
humidity and display them on the
Controller Module.
2. Humidistat—Turns the fan on,
provided solar power is available, at
or above 75% humidity, and off below
65% humidity.
Controller Module
Installation Instructions
3. Thermostat—Turns the fan on,
providing solar power is available,
at or above 80°F, and off at or
below 77°F.
Note: These functions will be active only
when the sun is available to generate
electricity from the solar panel
Installation with Use of House
Installing the Controller Module with the
AC Power Adapter will provide these
additional benefits:
1. Extends fan operation into the
evening hours
2. Allows fan to operate when
inadequate sunlight is available
3. Intelligently limits the amount of house
electricity to be used for adequate
Standard Installation Steps
Step 1
Bring all Controller
Module components
to the attic.
Step 2
For best results, locate
the Controller Module
near the fan opening
(Figure 1). Mounting
within 2 to 3 feet of
the motor on a nearby
rafter close to the underside of the roof
is recommended. (Figure 2)
Note: The Controller Module has vents on
either side of the housing that allow the
temperature and humidity sensors to work,
so it is important to locate the Controller
Module with at least 1" of space between it
and the underside of the roof.
Step 3
Use the quick connect leads coming from
the motor to connect to the quick connect
leads of the Controller Module.
Step 4
From underneath the fan, disconnect the
"Quick-Connect" near the motor.
Solar Attic Exhaust Fan
Figure 1
Figure 2
Step 5
Using the cable provided, connect one
wire to the leads coming from the motor
and connect the other end to the leads
marked "Fan" on the Controller Module.
Step 6
Connect the remaining lead coming from
the solar panel to the cable provided and
connect the other end to the lead market
"Solar" on the Controller Module.
Warning: Fan will begin running as soon
as the sun hits the solar panel—keep
everything clear of fan blades.
Step 7
The cable connectors
have been designed
to prevent incorrect
connections. Confirm
the leads going to the
motor connect to the
leads labeled "Fan"
on the Controller Module, and the leads
going to the solar panel connect to the
leads labeled "Solar" on the Controller
Module. (Figure 3)
Step 8
Provided there is sunlight to the
solar panel, the LCD display is now
activated and will read the current attic
temperature and relative humidity. When
the Controller Module logic detects the
fan in operation, the fan and solar LEDs
will light up accordingly on the Controller
Module. This will take approximately 30
Step 9
Use the included tie
wraps and 1/4" or
1/2" coaxial staples,
available from your
local hardware store
or builders' supply,
to secure the wiring
harness to the rafter.
(Figures 4 and 5)
The Controller Module is now installed
and running via power generated by the
solar panel.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5