1. This is a "Universal" child restraint. It is approved
to Regulation No. 44, 04 series of amendments, for
general use in vehicles and it will fit most, but not all,
car seats.
2. A correct fit is likely if the vehicle manufacturer
has declared in the vehicle handbook that the vehicle
is capable of accepting a "Universal" child restraint
for this age group.
3. This child restraint has been classified as "Univer-
sal" under more stringent conditions than those,
which applied to earlier designs, which do not carry
this notice.
4. Only suitable if the approved vehicles are fitted
with 3 point static/with retractor safety belts,
approved to UN/ECE Regulation No. 16 or other
equivalent standards.
5. If in doubt, consult either the child restraint
manufacturer or the retailer.