Lighting the Charcoal Using a
Chimney Starter
The simplest, most thorough way to light any
kind of charcoal is to use a chimney starter;
particularly, the Weber
starter (sold separately). Refer to the cautions
and warnings included with the RapidFire
chimney starter before lighting.
1. Put a few sheets of wadded up newspaper in
the bottom of the chimney starter and set the
chimney starter on the charcoal grate (A); or
put a few lighter cubes in the center of the
charcoal grate and place the chimney starter
over them (B).
2. Fill the chimney starter with charcoal (C).
3. Light the lighter cubes or newspaper
through the holes on the side of the chimney
starter (D).
4. Keep the chimney starter in place until the
charcoal is fully lit. You can tell when the
charcoal is fully lit when it is covered with a
coating of white ash. This can take anywhere
from 15 to 20 minutes.
Note: The lighter cubes used must be completely
consumed and the coals ashed over before placing
food on the grate.
5. Once the charcoal is fully lit, continue to the
following pages for instructions on how to
arrange your charcoal and begin cooking
according to your desired cooking method
(Direct or Indirect method).
Lighting the Charcoal Using
Lighter Cubes
1. Build a pyramid of charcoal in the center of
the charcoal (bottom) grate and insert a couple
of lighter cubes (sold separately) within the
pyramid (E).
2. Using a long match or lighter, light the lighter
cubes. The lighter cubes will then ignite the
3. Wait for the charcoal to fully light. You can tell
when the charcoal is fully lit when it is covered
with a coating of white ash. This can take
anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes.
Note: The lighter cubes used must be completely
consumed and the coals ashed over before placing
food on the grate.
4. Once the charcoal is fully lit, continue to the
following pages for instructions on how to
arrange your charcoal and begin cooking
according to your desired cooking method
(Direct or Indirect method).
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