Instructions Importantes Concernant La Sécurité - Ryobi RP4030 Manual Del Operador

Termómetro infrarrojo profesional
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For the most accurate readings, follow these hints:
NOTE: Temperature readings can only be measured on a
target surface.
 Place the unit less than two (2) feet from the item you wish to
 Accuracy of readings of 50º-86ºF (10º -30ºC) is plus ( + )
or minus ( - ) 3°F (1.5°C) of the actual temperature. All other
readings are +/- 1.5% of the reading.
 Readings at distances greater than two (2) feet may be
less accurate due to external light sources, surrounding air
temperature and reading of larger surface areas not intended
to be measured.
 Cleaner surfaces will give more accurate readings.
To take a temperature reading:
 Press and/or hold the trigger to scan the surface temperature
of a target object.
 The backlight and laser icon will come on.
 The laser pointer indicates the center of the circular area being
scanned for reference only.
 The surface temperature and maximum temperature readings
are displayed.
 When the trigger is released, the laser will turn off. The HOLD
icon will stay on.
 The backlight will turn itself off after a period of no use. Press-
ing any button will turn the backlight on again when the LCD
is still in use.
To take a maximum/minimum reading:
 Hold the trigger to scan the surface temperature of a target
 Move the laser beam from one target point to another desired
target point while holding the trigger.
 Release the trigger. The maximum temperature is displayed.
To display the minimum reading, press the min/max button.
 If desired, record the minimum/maximum reading.
See Figure 4, page 2.
To store a reading into memory, press the Record button
(  ). The LOG icon will light up to show the reading has been
logged into memory. Up to 10 readings can be recorded.
NOTE: If the memory is full, the oldest reading will be deleted
to add the new reading.
 To recall a reading stored in memory, press the Play button
(  ). Pressing the button repeatedly will scroll through all
10 readings.
 To clear the memory, press and hold Record and Play together
for 4 seconds.
 The min/max button switches the display from the minimum
reading to the maximum reading.
 To switch back and forth from Celsius to Fahrenheit, press the
ºC/Fº button. Recorded temperatures can be read as both
Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Always wear eye protection with side shields marked to
comply with ANSI Z87.1 during maintenance. If operation is
dusty, also wear a dust mask.
To avoid serious personal injury, always remove the battery
pack from the product when cleaning or performing any
Avoid using solvents when cleaning plastic parts. Most plastics
are susceptible to damage from various types of commercial
solvents and may be damaged by their use. Use clean cloths
to remove dirt, dust, oil, grease, etc.
Do not at any time let brake fluids, gasoline, petroleum-based
products, penetrating oils, etc., come in contact with plastic
parts. Chemicals can damage, weaken or destroy plastic
which may result in serious personal injury.
This product will accept Ryobi 4 V lithium-ion batteries. Length
of service from each charging will depend on the type of work
you are doing.
Lithium-ion batteries have been designed to provide maximum
trouble-free life. However, like all batteries, they will eventually
wear out. Do not disassemble battery pack and attempt to
replace the batteries. Handling of these batteries, especially
when wearing rings and jewelry, could result in a serious
To obtain the longest possible battery life, we suggest the
 Remove the battery pack from the charger once it is fully
charged and ready for use.
For battery pack storage longer than 30 days:
 Store the battery pack where the temperature is below 80°F
and away from moisture.
 Store battery packs in a 30%-50% charged condition.
 Every six months of storage, charge the pack as normal.
Upon removal, cover the battery pack's terminals with heavy-
duty adhesive tape. Do not attempt to destroy or disassemble
battery pack or remove any of its components. Lithium-ion
batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly. Also,
never touch both terminals with metal objects and/or body
parts as short circuit may result. Keep away from children.
Failure to comply with these warnings could result in fire
and/or serious injury.
90-DAY EXCHANGE POLICY: During the first 90 days after date of
purchasing this product, you may either request service under this
warranty or you may exchange it by returning it with proof of purchase
and all original equipment packaged with the original product to the
dealer from which it was purchased. The replacement product will
be covered by the limited warranty for the balance of the two year
period from the date of the original purchase.
LIMITED TWO YEAR WARRANTY. This product is warranted against
all defects in workmanship or materials for a period of two years
from the date of purchase. The warranty on any accessories for this
product, excluding batteries, is limited to 90 days from the date the
accessory is purchased. To obtain warranty service, call Customer
Service at 1-800-525-2579 for warranty return instructions. The prod-
uct must be properly packaged and returned with all equipment that
was included with the original product. When you request warranty
service, you must also present proof of purchase documentation,
which includes the date of purchase (for example, a receipt or a bill
of sale). Defective products returned within the warranty period will
be repaired or replaced, at our option, free of charge, within ninety
(90) days or less. The cost of shipping the product to us is your re-
sponsibility. This warranty only covers defects arising under normal
usage and does not cover any malfunction, failure or defects resulting
from misuse, abuse, neglect, alteration, modification or unauthorized
repairs. It applies only to the original purchaser at retail, and may not
be transferred. One World Technologies, Inc. makes no warranties,
representations or promises as to the quality or performance of this
product other than those specifically stated in this warranty. Any
implied warranties granted under state law, including warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to two
years from the date of purchase. One World Technologies, Inc. is not
responsible for direct, indirect, or incidental damages Some states
do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the
exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty
gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights
which vary from state to state.
1428 Pearman Dairy Road, Anderson, SC 29625
Phone 1-800-525-2579
États-Unis, Téléphone 1-800-525-2579
USA, Teléfono 1-800-525-2579
4V Thermomètre à infrarouges de
qualité professionnelle
toutes les instructions ci-dessous peut entraîner un choc
électrique, un incendie et/ou des blessures graves.
L'usage de contrôles, de réglages ou de procédures ne
figurant pas dans ce manuel peut entraîner l'exposition à
des rayonnements dangereux.
 Le rayonnement du guide laser utilisé sur le niveau est
de classe II, avec des longueurs d'onde de < 1mW and
 Éviter le contact oculaire direct avec le laser et ne pas
projeter le rayon laser dans les yeux de quiconque. Cela
pourrait causer des lésions oculaires graves.
 Ne pas retirer ou altérer les autocollants apposés sur
le produit. Cela accroîtrait le risque d'exposition aux
rayonnements laser.
 Ne pas placer de l'instrument à un endroit où quiconque
pourrait regarder directement dans le faisceau laser,
volontairement ou accidentellement. Cela pourrait causer
des lésions oculaires graves.
 Ne pas utiliser le appareil de thermomètre à proximité
d'enfants ou laisser des enfants l'utiliser. Cela pourrait
causer des lé sions oculaires graves.
 Ne pas utiliser pour des examens médicaux ou pour prendre
la température corporelle. Ce produit est conçu pourun usage
domestique seulement.
 Ne pas utiliser ce produit comme thermomètre de
 Ne pas utiliser de l'instrument dans des atmosphères
explosives, par exemple en présence de liquides, gaz ou
poussières inflammables.
 Toujours s'assurer que le faisceau laser est dirigé
vers une pièce solide, ne présentant pas de surfaces
réfléchissantes. Les matériaux brillants réfléchissants ne
sont pas compatibles avec l'utilisation du laser.
 Le laser coit être utilisé et entretenu conformément aux
instructions du fabricant.
 Ne jamais diriger le faisceau laser vers une personne ou
un objet autre que la surface ciblée peut être lue.
 Ce produit ne doit pas être utilisé sans le capuchon de
la pile.
 Manipuler de l'instrument avec précaution. Le traiter
comme tout autre appareil optique, tel qu'un appareil photo
ou des jumelles.
 Éviter d'exposer de l'instrument à des chocs, des
vibrations continues ou des températures extrêmement
basses ou élevées. Ceci pourrait causer des dommages à
l'outil et/ou des lésions oculaires graves.
 Ne recharger qu'avec l'appareil indiqué.
AP4700, AP4500, AP4800
 Ne pas utiliser produit sur une échelle ou un support
instable. Une bonne tenue et un bon équilibre permettent de
mieux contrôler produit en cas de situation imprévue.
 Ne pas utiliser le produit si le commutateur ne permet pas
de le mettre en marche ou de l'arrêter.
 Utiliser le produit conformément à ces instrutions pour
les applications pour lesquelles ils sont conçus, en tenant
compte des conditions et du type de travail à exécuter.
L'usage d'un outil motorisé pour des applications pour
lesquelles il n'est pas conçu peut être dangereux.
 Ne recharger qu'avec l'appareil spécifié par le fabricant.
Un chargeur approprié pour un type de batterie peut créer
un risque d'incendie s'il est utilisé avec un autre type de
 Utiliser exclusivement le bloc-pile spécifiquement indiqué
pour le produit. L'usage de tout autre bloc peut créer un risque
de blessures et d'incendie.


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