Key tones
In this menu, the key tones of Data Terminal can be switched on and off. When the key tones are switched
on, Data Terminal beeps briefly every time a key is pressed.
Identification data of Data Terminal
The identification data indicates, for instance, Data Terminal's software version and the languages installed.
This data is needed in updating the Data Terminal software. The PC software required for updating can be
downloaded from the Oras website.
Note! When the software is updated, it may be necessary to update the language versions, too.
Device Settings
This menu contains the commands, setting details, measurement data and identification data of the water
fitting. These menus change automatically according to which device Data Terminal is connected to. There
are different settings in different types of water fittings, such as urinal flushers and basin faucets. These
settings are listed under each menu to match the relevant device.
Device commands
This menu contains the commands to devices.
Identification data of device
This menu includes data for identification of the device, such as product number and date of manufacture.
Measurement data of device
This menu contains the measurement data of the device, including e.g. consumption counter, use counter,
data on the state of the device, and the battery voltage.
Setting details of device
This menu contains those settings that the user can modify. These include e.g. flow period, automatic
flushing period, as well as opening and closing range.
Read device data
This function stores the settings of the device in Data Terminal's memory. The function updates the previous
data on the device stored in Data Terminal.
Additional info on device
The details in this menu helps in troubleshooting in case of malfunction in the device.
Bus device list
This menu is only displayed, when Data Terminal is connected to Oras bus transformer. The menu shows
the devices that are connected to the bus transformer. To view or modify the settings of a single device
connected to a bus transformer, the user needs to select the device from the list in the menu. Then Data
Terminal's menus change to match the selected device that is connected to a bus transformer. Data
Terminal now operates as if it was directly connected to the selected device.