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a d j u s t i n g a n d s e t t i n g
t h e M e t a l B r a c e l e t
The metal bracelet has been designed so that you can easily ad-
just it to the size of your wrist. You can make this adjustment
yourself by removing or adding individual bracelet links. Further-
more, for your personal convenience, this bracelet has an innova-
tive fine-adjustment system, permitting you to extend or reduce
the length of the bracelet quite simply by up to 6 millimetres, de-
pending on your needs. To increase the length of bracelet, press
the button with the IWC logo and pull the bracelet slightly apart.
To shorten it, push it together in the area of the clasp; here the
button does not need to be pressed.
i n g e n i e u r d u a l t i M e