General safety information
The operation and maintenance of a PV system
require a substantial level of technical knowledge .
Therefore, any work on the system may only be
carried out by qualified and authorized personnel.
Make sure to read these mounting instructions
carefully before installing, commissioning or ser-
vicing the PV system and keep these instructions
in a well accessible location . Failure to comply with
these safety instructions may result in personal in-
jury and product damage . Please keep children
We strive to be the leader in innovation and re-
search, while continuing to improve our products .
For this reason we reserve the right to make
changes to this installation guide without prior no-
tice .
Important safety instructions
The use of these modules must comply with origi-
nal design purposes . The modules should not be
altered technically . When mounting, make sure
that the valid local building regulations, standards
and accident prevention regulations are adhered
to . Make sure that all required safety instructions
for the mounting and operation of any further sys-
tem components are also adhered to . Further-
more, the general technical preliminary remarks of
CENTROSOLAR AG apply . See www .centrosolar .
com .
Installation Guide
Warning: Extreme Danger due to electrical
Solar modules generate electricity . When exposed
to light, a voltage occurs, which can be danger-
ous and life-threatening . Even though the individ-
ual modules generate a relatively low voltage of
50 V DC, the voltage will accumulate as soon as
several modules are connected in series . Modules
connected in parallel result in accumlation of the
currents . Although the fully insulated plug contacts
are designed to protect against accidental contact,
the following instructions must be followed when
handling the solar modules in order to avoid com-
bustion, spark formation and, above all, fatal elec-
trical shocks:
Never insert electrically conducting pieces into
the plugs and sockets!
Do not wear metallic jewelry during mechanical
and electrical installation!
Keep the tools and work area dry! Only in-
stall solar modules and wires with dry plugs
and sockets!
Maintain utmost caution and care! When
working on the wires, always use both tools
and gloves which are insulated!
Do not disassemble the modules! Never re-
move parts or name plates fitted by the man-
ufacturer! Only use flawless modules! Do
not treat the back side of the modules with
sharp objects, paints or adhesives!
Do not expose modules to artificially con-
centrated sunlight
It is absolutely necessary that the wiring of the
modules is only carried out by qualified and au-
thorized personnel!