Use 3 "AA" alkaline, lithium or rechargeable batteries (not included)
Turn on or off the device with the placement or removal of the batteries
Settings recorded won´t change upon batteries removal
USB power adapter must be purchased separately if desired
Bottle of Fragrance:
Fragrances are sold separately
Place the bottle of fragrance on the device 5 seconds after done all the programming, thus avoiding
contact of the product with eyes and skin
Use only AromaQuest® 100ml bottles of the fragrance of your choice on this equipment
Do not alter the original content of the fragrance in the bottle
The fragrance performance in this equipment has been calculated based on 1 bottle of 100ml (See
the Performance Guide in this manual).
Under any memory settings the fragrance is dispensed for 3 consecutive seconds
Place the screws in the wall with 90mm of space between them and horizontally. Use the Template
to Open Holes attached in this manual to guide yourself. Do not obstruct the scented air outlet in the
microdiffuser of this equipment
Install the equipment on the highest part of walls, ensuring that the bottle nozzle is at least 6" from
the ceiling. If possible, install it near air conditioning outlets or in ventilated places with traffic of
people. Avoid installing it near air exhausters.
To remove dust, stains, or dirt from the device, use a cloth moistened with water on the outside. Do
not clean the nozzle or electronic part of the equipment.
Quick Activation:
1. Insert the key into the left side of the unit and turn it counterclockwise to remove the lock. Press the
hook on the top with your hand to open the lid. Keep the key and lock in a safe place
2. Uncover the battery compartment by pushing it down into the slot. Place the 3 "AA" batteries with the
negative terminal into the metal spring until the display lights on. Close the battery compartment
3. Set the device schedule and intensity before placing the bottle of fragrance. Read the Programming
Instructions Section for more information