9. Place one Seat Panel (J) upside down on the carton or other support surface as shown.
NOTE: Place a protective cover (like the bubble wrap packing material) over the carton or other
support surface to prevent from scratching.
10. Flip the assembled chair frame upside down and fit the Backrest Posts (D and E) into the notches of the
Seat Panel (J). Push the Seat Panel (J) all the way back against the Backrest Posts (D and E) and fasten
to the Seat Frame (F) with six 15 mm Wood Screws (5). Tighten all the screws with a Phillips screwdriver.
11. Stand the assembled unit upright on a flat surface. Press down the Seat Panel (G) to even all legs. Now,
tightly fasten all bolts with the provided hex wrench.
12. Repeat the same process to assemble the other chairs.
Assembly Instructions for Chair
15 mm Wood Screw
(6 used in this step)