Searching for WiFi
The red light indicates that the
FridgeCam is attempting to
re-connect to your WiFi router,
if this light is on continuously,
try moving the router closer to
the fridge and ensure your wifi
details are correct.
WiFi not configured
If the product is not set up or
looking for WiFi credentials,
you may see the amber light.
It is normal to see during first
installation and also when the
camera is initialising for a brief
Connected to WiFi
After a successful set up to
your router and internet, the
FridgeCam will light green
indicating a connection.
When the FridgeCam is in use in your fridge, some of
these lights may appear each time you open and close
your fridge door whilst its connecting, this is normal.
If you do not see new pictures of your fridge on your
app, please check the connection light status using this
guide to ensure it has an internet connection.
Fitting your FridgeCam
Mounting the FridgeCam correctly is key to getting an optimal
view of your fridge.
Follow the in-app guide and video tutorials before fitting your
FridgeCam or go to to find out more.