Current temperature
Selected temperature
Heater on.
Working temperatu-
re selection keys.
Fig. 1
Front panel.
.P. SELECTA, s.a.
Equipment Description
FIBROMAN HT-W are a family of heating mantles for round bottom fl asks
which have an electronic circuit for temperature control and measure, with the
possibility of being controlled from an external probe directly placed into the
fl ask. The heating mantles are mounted inside a stainless steel case.
The equipment must be installed over a fl at surface, slightly ventilated and
free of dust and moisture. Please leave a free space of about 20cm around
the equipment for your safety.
Check that the voltage supply and frequency coincides with the heating cha-
racteristic plate.
Foresee a mains plug at least at 1m away.
Be sure that the electric supply grid is properly connected to the earth.
If you have to change the plug, bear in mind that the yellow/green cable is
the earth, and the brown and the blue ones are indistinctly phase and neutral.
Please avoid direct light from sun and air fl ows.
The equipment must be located under a fume hood if the sample releases
irritating or corrosive fumes.
Starting up
1. Connect the equipment into the mains by means of the main switch.
2. The temperature red display (Current temperature) shows 400ºC for a while
and then indicates the probe temperature. Then, the LED is lit and the mantle
begins heating till it reaches the programmed temperature, which is the one
indicated in the green display (Selected temperature).
3. The LED will light up and off indicating that the heater element is activated
or deactivated.
IMPORTANT: Mantle «Initial burning»
When the mantle is started-up for the fi rst time, the heating mantle produces
smokes and «burning» smell.
This effect is completely usual because of the mantle components burning.
After a few minutes it will disapear.
Its also posible that this step was run during the factory testing. In this case
the mantle will show a burnt color as the «Initial burning» is already done. In
any case, never, used mantles are delivered.
Selecting working temperature
Program the working temperature by pressing the increase-decrease keys
(see Figure 1).
Any pulse will increase the temperature in steps of 1ºC, and if the key is kept
pressed, variation will accelerate. The programmed temperature is kept in
memory, regardless whether the equipment has stopped.
Please use fl aks that fi t the heating mantle size.
The equipment can operate in two different ways:
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