5.2 Status of the lights
1. WIRELESS light
Slowly flashing green: Little data transmission
Rapidly flashing green: Lot of data transmission
OFF: HD transmitter/HD receiver is OFF
2. LINK light
Orange: Good connection between the HD transmitter and HD receiver (or
Flashing orange: HD transmitter and HD receiver searching for connection and/or
no or a non-supported HDMI signal is presented to the HD transmitter such as a
wrong video resolution (see FAQ).
OFF: Transmitter/receiver is OFF
Blue: The HD receiver is correctly connected to the TV and a supported HDMI
signal is presented to the transmitter.
Red: No or a non-supported HDMI signal is presented to the transmitter.
OFF: HD transmitter/HD receiver is OFF
Properly operated, the green ''WIRELESS'' light will flash, the orange ''LINK'' light will
be lit continuously and the ''INPUT/OUTPUT'' light will be solid blue.
TV Anywhere Wireless HD™