Very short styles
1. Using a shorter setting (#1 or #2), hold
the comb flat against the head and move
the hair clipper from the back of the
neck to the crown of the head.
2. Cut in a similar manner from the side to
the top of the head. Then cut from the
front to the crown of the head.
3. If a "Flat Top"
style is desired,
remove the
trimming guide
and use the
barber's comb.
Trim a little at a
time until a flat
look is
Trimming Beards & Mustaches
1. Comb your
beard in the
direction it
2. Determine the
length you want
the beard to
remain, and
choose the
Remember the 1.5mm (#1) guide will
give you the shortest beard while the
14mm (#8) or 18mm (#9) will give you
the longest. If you want a longer beard
you can use the barber's comb as a
trimming guide.
3. Start trimming under your chin and work
toward your ear and beard line. Cut in
different directions for a uniform trim.
4. Lightly stroke the edge of your mustache
in a downward movement.