My earphones fit badly. What should I do?
What is the SIREN armature technology that s-JAYS
Isn't it dangerous to block out external noise while
in traffic?
the volume levels in left and right earphones is
uneven. What is the problem?
Try a different size. You can also try wearing them over your ear as shown in the
instructions in item 3.
The SIREN technology is a tubeless, round balanced armature which can deliver a
greater output than many other armatures yet providing a good dynamic range. The
technology is based on a Henry Egerton patent from 1918.
With conventional earphones, the only way to drown out background noise is to turn up
the volume. But as s-JAYS eliminate virtually all noise, you can listen at lower volumes.
In both cases, you will hardly be able to hear the traffic. We thus recommend that you
never listen to music while you are in trafficated areas.
Check that the plug is correctly connected to your listening device. Check for a loose
connection by connecting to a different sound source. If the problem persists, check if
there is dirt on the filter or inside the sleeve, if so, remove it. Filters that are very dirty
should be changed (see instructions on item 3). If the problem still persists, please
contact your retailer or JAYS Customer Service.