overheating, fumes and corrosion.
•Do not use or place the battery under direct sunlight, or in hot places, it may cause leakage
and overheating, thus reducing performance and shortening the lifespan.
•Do not charge the battery for over 24 hours continuously.
•Use c areful with the e arphone m aybe pos sible ex cessive s ound pr essure f rom ear phones
and headphones can cause hearing loss.
1.2 Precaution for the use of charger
•Do not cause short circuit to the charger, or it may cause electric shock, fumes and damage
to the charger.
•Do not use the charger if the power wire is broken, or it may cause fire and electric shock.
•Please remove accumulated dust on the power plug.
•Do not put water c ontainers nex t to the p ower s upply t o a void o verheating, f ire, el ectric
shock and malfunction in case they come into contact.
•Do no t d isassemble or tam per w ith t he c harger or it m ay c ause per sonal i njury, e lectric
shock, fire and the damage of the charger.
•Do not use the charger in places of high hum idity, like bathrooms, or it may cause electric
shock, fire and damage of charger.
•Do not touch the charger, power cord or power plug with wet hands or it can cause electric