G‐3 Start the software utility
NOTE 1: Before starting the software utility, please make sure that
the driver and the software utility has been installed
NOTE 2: PC Utility V4 only supports BT‐Q1000X. Any intention to use
PC Utility V4 connecting GPS units other than BT‐Q1000X
would result in software disconnection automatically.
NOTE 3: PC Utility V3 is not compatible with BT‐Q1000X. Please
don't make use of it with BT‐Q1000X.
1. Click from <Start> / <All Programs> / <Qstarz Travel Recorder V4> /
Travel Recorder PC Utility V4
Users have to input product key at the first time of use. The product
key is located on the cover of the driver CD.
2. <File> \ < Import Wizard >
Import Wizard can guide you to proceed the Geotag process easily.
The Import Wizard will jump out every time during
program startup. You can also launch it by clicking <File> \
<Import Wizard> or the quick link icon.
PC Utility will automatically detect the com port and baud
rate and load in the GPS tracks.
A track list window will be popped up. Select the tracks to
Please select the photo folder to import photos for geotag.
You can also skip this step by clicking <Finish> directly and
then there will be only tracks shown on Google Map.
3. <File> \ <Export Wizard>
Export Wizard can guide you to proceed export process easily.
HTML: Pack selected tracks and photos into editable html
files or a single easy sharing mht file.
Google Earth: KML and KMZ are Google Earth files formats.
KML file contains detail waypoints and tracks info.
KMZ file contains both simple track and photos info.
Track File: Export tracks and placemarks as GPX, NMEA,