Supplement to owner's manual
This manual gives instructions on the use and
maintenance of the built-in lighting system
on the Trek Lync bicycle. It is a supplement
to the Trek Bicycle Owner's Manual.
This manual is written for the owner and
does not require mechanical experience.
Some maintenance should only be
performed by the dealer, and this manual
tells you when that is.
Table of Contents
"To See" light systems .................................. i
Tools needed ...............................................1
Battery pack ................................................1
Dock .............................................................2
Lights .............................................................3
Battery indicator lights ................................4
The Lithium Ion battery should be fully
recharged before your first use, and
before any extended use.
"To See" light system
The lighting system on the Lync is a "To See"
system, intended to work as a head light
in low-visibility situations. The high-output
LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) provide a bright
550 lumens headlight in a focused pattern
to illuminate the road ahead. The taillights
(two) are 3 lumens each.
This type of light meets lighting requirements
in most areas. Check with local authorities
for the requirements in your area.
The other type of light system, "To Be Seen"
lights, provide a wide beam in a dispersed
pattern so that the light is visible from a wider
angle. For best results, use both types of
WARNING: A bicycle without
correct lights and reflectors might
be difficult for other people to see,
and you might not be able to see.
If you cannot see, or other people
cannot see you, you could have
an accident. Make sure your lights
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