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2015, by Bernd Jacobi - Multipick.
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Copyright © 1997-2015, by Bernd Jacobi -
Multipick-Service Germany.
Reproductions de toutes sortes, y compris
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écrit. Copyright © 1997-2015, by Bernd
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© 1997-2015, by Bernd Jacobi - Multipick-
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Senza l'autorizzazione per iscritto, sono
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Copyright © 1997-2015, by Bernd Jacobi -
I Instruction Manual
TFG - Door Latch Slider - Set
The use of the door latch slider TFG is very
simple. The sliders work with almost all simple-
offset doors opening to the inside, even if these
close very tightly and possess a sealing strip.
If the tool is used correctly neither the surface of
the door or frame nor the sealing rubber is dama-
ged in any way.
1. Select the appropriated TFG according to the
depth of the latch. (size of 15, 20, 25, 30 or
35 mm)
2. Widen the gap between door and frame (eit
her at the top or the bottom of the door) facili
tating the insertion of the TFG.
3. When inserting the TFG by „tilting" it into the
gap, make sure to point the slanting edge of
the TFG into the direction of the latch.
4. Slide (pull) the TFG towards the latch as
straightly as possible. The slanting edge of
the TFG will push back the latch, opening the
In cases where the door closes very tightly,
lubricating the TFG with TeflonSpray, WD40 etc.
will greatly facilitate the insertion and sliding of
the tool.
Art.-No 3382 (TFG 15 mm)
Art.-No. 33843 (TFG 20 mm)
Art.-No. 33844 (TFG 25 mm)
Art.-No. 33845 (TFG 30 mm)
Art.-No. 33846 (TFG 35 mm)
Art.-No. 3384 (Set I: 15 + 20 mm)
Art.-No. 33840 (Set II: 20 + 25 mm)
Art.-No. 33841 (Set III: 30 + 35 mm)
Art.-No. 33842 (Set IV: 4 pieces, sizes: 20, 25,
30 and 35 mm)
Simply insert the TFG into the
...slide it down, passing the latch
and the door opens!