1. Mixing chamber
2. Mixing bar
3. Control panel
4. Flappers (2)
5. Door
6. Air pump (hidden)
7. Motor (hidden)
8. Air filter (hidden)
9. Divider
10. Tray
11. Power supply
Remove power cord and pellets from the tray inside the unit.
Re-insert the tray back the unit and close the door tightly.
Do not use on carpet or wood or other unsealed floor materials, as damage to
floor may result. Place the unit on plastic tray or other protective barrier.
Insert the power cord into the round hole on the back. Plug into a wall outlet.
You should notice a hum sound, and solid indicator light on the control panel.
Leave the unit plugged in at all times.
automatically every few hours. It will become very quiet in a few weeks.
Use indoors or outdoors. See below for special instructions on outdoor use.
Can be installed in most kitchen cabinets. See naturemill.com for cabinet kit.
Position the back of the unit at least 1 inch (2.5cm) away from a wall.
Freezing outdoor winters are ok. Warm locations
up to 120°F (50°C) produce compost faster. Rain
or snow will not damage the unit.
Protect power supply from weather. We
recommend an "in-use" electrical outlet cover,
available at most hardware stores. Otherwise,
keep the power supply covered or indoors.
You will hear the motor mix
In-use electrical
outlet cover
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In the first week, fill the mixing chamber half way only. This gives the
cultures time to develop. Use HIGH power. Balance with pellets (see below).
After the first week, add food to at any time, on any day. The mixer and air
pump will turn on periodically. Food will start to look like compost within a few
days: granular and moist, like healthy soil. Steam and heat are good signs!
Smaller items compost faster. Cut food into 4 inch (10 cm) pieces or smaller.
You can add meat, chicken, fish, eggs, and dairy products, due to the high
temperatures inside the mixing chamber. Add extra sawdust pellets.
Do not overload the mixing chamber or it will jam. Add a little food each day or
several times per day, rather than a large amount of food all at once.
Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, mustard greens, and
other Brassica vegetables cause strong odors. Even small amounts cause
strong odors. Avoid these or keep your composter outdoors.
Lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, and other acidic foods can kill the
cultures; limit them to 2-3 small pieces per load, or add extra baking soda.
Paper, liquid, pits, bones, corn cobs, husks, tough plant stems, etc., will not
break down and can cause repeated jams.
Composting is a natural process to recycle food into fertilizer. It takes time,
and a little practice! To prevent odors, balance compost every time you add
food. Sawdust is a "brown" item necessary to balance the carbon-nitrogen ratio
of "green" food items. Meats and wet foods like lettuce, peaches, tomatoes,
melon, and watermelon need extra pellets. Baking soda balances food acidity.
BALANCE compost EVERY TIME you add food:
1 CUP (250ml)
Sawdust Pellets
Visit naturemill.com//pellets to learn how to get free pellets. An initial supply is
included. Sawdust is a waste product, so composting it helps reduce landfill.
See enclosed FOOD GUIDE
for a list of foods
1 TBSP (15 ml)
Baking Soda
5-10 CUPS (1.3-2.5 L) food scraps
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