WARNING: the short pressure of the MENU button during the parameter selection returns the process to the previous point. For
example: the brief pressure of the MENU button in channel 1 enabling menu (the display shows CH01) returns the process to the
selection of the function (the display shows F00 or the last function selected).
Press and hold the MENU button until the display shows:
Enable/disable hte key of the transmitter in the channel 2 with UP (+) and
DOWN (-) buttons of the receiver.
If the key is enabled, the display shows:
Press and hold the MENU button until the display shows:
Enable/disable hte key of the transmitter in the channel 3 with UP (+) and
DOWN (-) buttons of the receiver.
If the key is enabled, the display shows:
Press and hold the MENU button until the display shows:
Enable/disable hte key of the transmitter in the channel 4 with UP (+) and
DOWN (-) buttons of the receiver.
If the key is enabled, the display shows:
Press and hold the MENU button until the display shows:
The receiver waits for a new key to be memorized.
To quit, press brie• y the MENU button or wait 10s of inactivity.
The display shows: