3.6 Condensate Drains
The condensate drain pan is 2" (50mm) high with two drain locations. During conditions of high
humidity, condensate may be produced at a rate of approximately 1/2 gallon per hour (1.9 liters per
hour). Please pay more attention, it is important to route condensate drains downward to a sump
pump. It is not recommended to route condensate drains to the bilge. After the condensate drain
installation is complete, test the installation by pouring water into the pan and checking for good
For installation of the condensate drain:
Attach a 5/8" I.D. reinforced hose to the hose barb and secure with stainless steel hose
Install the condensate drain hose downhill from the unit and aft to a sump.
Two drain fittings may be used and the hoses (teed) together using a tee fitting provided
there is a minimum 2" drop from the bottom of the base pan to the tee connection.
Do not terminate condensate drain line within three 3' (914mm) of any
outlet of engine, generator exhaust systems, compartment housing an engine or generator,
nor in a bilge, unless the drain is connected properly to a sealed condensate or shower
sump pump. Seal all condensate hose penetrations.
3.7 Blower Assembly
You can achieve multi-directional supply air discharge from a single unit by rotating the blower
to the desired position. It is ideal for tight installations as 180° of rotation is available with which
to position the blower. Its advanced design allows the blower to be easily removed for rotating or
servicing by removing 4 screws. Rotate the blower to allow the most direct flow of air to the supply
air grille.
3.8 Mounting Brackets
The a/c unit is supplied with a base pan that also
serves as a condensate pan. Mounting clip brackets (4)
are provided to secure the base pan to a flat, horizontal
3 . 9 S u p p l y & R e t u r n A i r G r i l l e s a n d
Transition Boxes
Install the supply air grille as high as possible
in a location that will provide uniform air distribution
throughout the cabin. Grille louvers should be directed
upward. The return air grille should be installed as low and close to the a/c as possible to insure
direct uninterrupted airflow to the evaporator. The return air grille should have a minimum four
inches (4') of clearance in front of it, free from any furniture or other obstructions. In no instance
should a supply air discharge be directed towards a return air grille, as this will cause the system
to short cycle. Allow for adequate clearance behind the supply air grille(s) for the transition box
and ducting connection. See the Maintenance section of this manual for return air filter cleaning
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