ELECTROHYDRAULIC REBAR ● CORTAVARILLAS CUTTER ELECTROHIDRÁULICO This electrohydraulic cutter is able to cut rebars with 650N/mm maximum tensile strenght. Besides Cortavarillas electrohidráulico capaz de cortar having compact structure, simple operation and high varilla con resistencia a tracción hasta 650N/mm efficiency, it is characterized by the ability to cut Además de una compacta estructura, fácil manejo y horizontal rebars.
CAUTION PRECAUCIÓN SHORT LENGHTS CUTTING (< 30cm) CORTES MENORES A 30cm. E1.- Be specially careful when cutting E1.- Tener especial cuidado al cortar short lenghts (30cm or less) as the cut longitudes inferiores a 30cm porque end can fly out. puede que el trozo cortado salte.