1. Feed the coiled end of the pull wire through rearward hole and out the access hole.
Attach spacer and carriage bolt onto pull wire and feed the fasteners into location
through the hole. Leave pull wires attached. Repeat the same process on the both
frame rails. Note: it may be easier to install the carriage bolt head first. Repeat with
the forward holes. Both frame rails.
3. Feed conical washer over pull wire, using the washer to hold the bolt
in place remove the pull wires and attach the hex nut. Tighten to
hold hitch in place, repeat with all fasteners.
©2015 Cequent™ Performance Products, Inc. -
Printed in Mexico
2. Raise the hitch over the exhaust pipes into position, feed the
pull wires through the slots of the hitch brackets.
4. Center hitch on the vehicle.
5. Tighten all 7/16-14 GR5 fasteners with torque wrench to 50 Lb.-Ft.
(68 N*M)
Sheet 4 of 12
Proper torque is needed
to keep the hitch secure
to the vehicle when
Rev. B