2.Perform Initial Configuration (For model with console port)
1 . C o n n e c t a P C t o t h e s w i t c h c o n s o l e p o r t u s i n g t h e i n c l u d e d c o n s o l e c a b l e .
2. Configure the PC's serial port: 115200 bps, 8 characters, no parity, one stop bit, 8 data bits, and no flow
3 .L o g in to th e C L I u s in g d e fa u lt s e ttin g s : U s e rn a m e "a d m in " and password "admin."
For further information on switch configuration, refer to the
Web Management Guide and CLI Reference Guide.
3.Logging on to the equipment
1. Connect the RJ-45 interface cable of a switch with a computer using a network cable.
2. Set the TCP/IP properties of the computer, see the Appendix: Setting up your computer.
3. Logging on to the equipment: Open a browser and type in the address bar, and then
press Enter; in the pop-up login interface, enter the factory logon username "admin", password
"admin" and click OK.
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