These instructions are for correct installation, and optimum performance of the pumps, so they
should be read carefully. These are single-stage centrifugal pumps designed to operate with com-
pact swimming pumps, They are equipped with a total-emptying system to prevent the discharge
of residual liquid in each stopping. These units are designed to operate with clean water at a maxi-
mum water temperature of 50 C. Built of top quality materials, they are subjected to strict hydraulic
and electrical controls and are carefully verifi ed. Correct installation is ensured by following these
instructions and those of the wiring diagram; otherwise, over loads may be produced in the motor.
We decline responsibility for any damage caused by not following these instructions.
General notes - ErP (ecological design-) directive
The benchmark for most effi cient water pumps is MEI 0.70
The effi ciency of a pump with a trimmed impeller is usually lower than that of a pump with the full
impeller diameter. The trimming of the impeller will adapt the pump to a fi xed duty point, leading to
reduced energy consumption.
The minimum effi ciency index (MEI) is based on the full impeller diameter.
The operation of this water pump with variable duty points may be more effi cient and economic
when controlled, for example, by the use of a variable speed drive that matches the pump duty to
the system.
The pumps should be installed horizontally, securing them with screws through the holes in the
supports to prevent undesirable noise and vibration.
The suction, pipe of the pump should be as short as possible.
The rating Label must be visible after installation. Parts containing live parts, except parts supplied
with safety extra low voltage <12V, must be inaccessible to a person in the swimming pool.
For Class I devices that do not have a plug, they must be permanently connected to a fi xed wiring.
Part including electrical components except remote control devices must be located or fi xed.
The suction and discharge pipes should have a diameter equal to or greater than that of the intake
tapping of the pump.
Avoid traps as, in addition to affecting effi ciency, they impede total overall emptying. The suction
and discharge pipes should not rest on the pump in any case.
Seal all the connectors and unions well. Avoid any dripping on the motor, which would unfailingly
damage it.
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