The mirubox is an electricity monitoring device that
unveils full comprehension of the energy usage at
home and allows the detection of saving opportunities.
The device is intended for its installation in the
electrical panel. It is powered directly from the circuit
breakers and it is connected to internet via WiFi.
Current is measured by means of split core current
transformers (or current clamps). The mirubox allows
the connection of up to 3 current clamps which enable
the measure of 3 single-phase lines (for example,
the whole-home line, an electricle vehicle line and a
photovoltaic production).
Measured data is stored in the mirubee cloud platform.
It can be accessed through any device connected to
internet, both through the web control panel (PC) or
through the mobile application. Data download in excel
format is also available to allow further analysis outside
the platform.